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Dance Background 

I have been dancing for 8 years, mainly focusing on ballet and contemporary dance, sometimes venturing into other styles such as jazz. I currently dance at Boston Ballet School at the advanced level for five days a week for an average of one to two hours per day. I have previously received training at a Russian ballet school called Koltun Ballet Boston at the L6 and L7 levels. I train in the Vaganova method training system both at Koltun Ballet and Boston Ballet. I have attended summer intensives at Koltun Ballet (2021), Boston Ballet (2022, 2023), American Ballet Theatre (virtually in 2022), and Kirov (2019). I started Pointe when I was 11 years old. 


My most prominent performing opportunity was being a part of the Boston Ballet Nutcracker performance at Citizens Bank Opera House where I was in the party and snow scene. This opportunity showed me what it was like to perform on such a large stage with professional costumes and lighting that triumphed over any previous performances I was a part of. I was able to meet my idols in the ballet industry, observing the way they held themselves in a professional setting. These performances also meant hours of rehearsal times, often having to commute two hours every three days a week to attend rehearsals in Boston. I always believed dance to be more than a movement. Not only the grace but the expression of one's character and emotions on stage is one of the best feelings. 


At Fay, I am currently one of the captains of the dance team. I have the opportunity to choreograph, improvise, and teach my fellow peers. I hope to continue my dance journey through choreography and movement in the future. 

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Performing in Boston Ballet's Nutcracker at Citizen Bank Opera House

Dance Videos 

Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz
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